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These options are currently not available.
{% elseif data.releaseDate %}This product will be released on {{ data.releaseDate|format_date("long") }}
{% elseif (data.availableStock >= data.minPurchase) %}Available immediately
{% elseif data.isCloseout and data.availableStock < data.minPurchase %}No longer available
{% elseif data.availableStock < data.minPurchase and data.restockTime %}Available in %restockTime% days
{% endif %}Login to get lower prices for higher quantities and to order items.
These options are currently not available.
{% elseif data.releaseDate %}This product will be released on {{ data.releaseDate|format_date("long") }}
{% elseif (data.availableStock >= data.minPurchase) %}Available immediately
{% elseif data.isCloseout and data.availableStock < data.minPurchase %}No longer available
{% elseif data.availableStock < data.minPurchase and data.restockTime %}Available in %restockTime% days
{% endif %}